Bring Calabria to your home
All products
Artisan Calabrian sweets
Artisanal Calabrian cheeses
Artisanal cheeses
Bakery products
Before it's too late
Black Friday offers of the Calabrian Grandma - 20% discount
Calabria Deluxe
Calabrian Artisan Pasta
Calabrian drinks
Calabrian Grandmother's Box
Calabrian Ready Sauces
Calabrian spices
Calabrian tomato puree and sauces
Calabrian tradition
Cannabis pasta
Cannabis paste
Cereals and Dried Fruit
DOP products
Dry Products in Bags
Durum wheat semolina
Grandma's offers
Handmade cured meats
Honey, jams and jams
Italian Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Latest Arrivals Typical Calabrian products
Legumes and Vegetables
Legumes and vegetables
The products are grown in the Calabrian fields. This, in addition to...
Line of Calabrian DOP IGP and BIO products
Nonna Calabrese - Fidelity Card
Organic pasta
ORGANIC products
Pasta with ancient grains
Pasta with Bergamot
PGI products
Preserves - Anchovies and Tuna
Preserves - Artichokes
Preserves - Aubergines
Preserves - Chillies
Preserves - Mushrooms
Preserves - Olives
Preserves - Onions
Preserves - Pilchard
Preserves - Tomatoes
Preserves and Spices
Ready meals
Sauces and Condiments
Selected Artisan Calabrian In Oils
Sell like hot cakes
The Calabrian Aromas
The Calabrian Condiments
The spicy Calabrian ones
True Calabrian
Typical Calabrian Products Best Sellers
Typical Calabrian products DOP and IGP
Weekly Proposals
Wholemeal pasta
Wines and Spirits